Provided below are several sample proposals, theses, and annotated bibliographies developed by UMBC students as part of the English Honors Program.

Sample Proposals

“‘Blow My Head Off, Darling’ Depictions of Masculinity by Gay Male Authors” by Dan Roeder

“The Role of Kilgore Trout in Four Vonnegut Novels” by Sarah Spicer

Sample Annotated Bibliographies

Annotated Bibliography by Susan Lunn

Annotated Bibliography by Dan Roeder

Annotated Bibliography by Sarah Spicer

Sample Critical Theses

“The Mirror and the Divided Self in the Victorian Dramatic Monologue” by Danielle Kennedy

“Poetic Self-Construction for the Governance of National Culture” by Jonathan Lehtonen

“The Fantastic Escape: Alice and Under the Hill as Essential Regression Narratives” by Susan Lunn

“Cracked Messiah: Parody and Parable in Kurt Vonnegut’s Troutean Novels” by Sarah Spicer

Sample Creative Theses

Collected Poems by Jackie Airhart

“County Lines” by Tyler Downey

Sample Self-Reflective Essays

“Explorations, Preoccupations, and Derivations” by Jackie Airhart